Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Today's Teacher Treats!

As the kids have been sharing their new way of eating with their beloved teachers at school, I've been bringing in special treats for them every once in awhile.  I enjoy brightening these women's lives, as they bring so much joy to my kids and sacrifice for them daily!  I am hoping they enjoy these treats too.  So far I've gotten rave revues!  I have a couple more tricks up my sleeve.  ;)

May 5th-9th is Teacher Appreciation Week.  I usually bring them hanging baskets of flowers so they can remember my kids all summer.  I will do that again, but I have a special treat planned as well.  

Today's Teacher Treats were Blueberry Muffins, courtesy of The Paleo Mom, and Honey Muffins, from Civilized Caveman.  I've heard both were very YUMMY!!   Both recipes are a basic muffin recipe, so you can add and alter them quite a bit for different tastes.  I plan to make more of these soon.

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