Scientifically speaking, if I told you that apples cannot be processed by the human digestive tract. No matter what you do to it: cook it, peel it, bleach it, process it 150 different ways; in the end the final proteins cannot be broke down by your digestive system. In the end, there will remain undigested parts and those will permeate your gut lining in one of two ways and leak into your body, also allowing other bacteria and waste to leak into your body. Would you WANT to know this information? Would you EXPECT science to make you aware of this FACT? Would you STOP eating apples even if they were your FAVORITE?
The answer is YES!! Who would knowingly do that to their body????
Guess what? Science KNOWS that grains cannot be completely digested by our bodies. They never have been. You can boil it, bake it, bleach it, grind it, whatever you want, it still isn't going to be digested by your body. The last parts of the protein cannot be broken down by our body into the amino acids our body needs. The last parts then are able to permeate the gut lining in two ways, depending on your genetic make-up, and leak out. This also then opens up the gut for other things to leak out as well. They know this, yet we are encouraged to not only eat grains, but to consume 12 servings a day of grains. 12 servings a day!! While foregoing other fiber and nutrient rich foods like fruits and vegetables. 12 servings a day while giving up healthy animal fats which are necessary to cell function in our body. 12 servings a day that permeate our gut, make us sick and no one can understand WHY we are sick, yet we keep eating our grains.
I'm thankful for the agricultural revolution. Truly I am. If it weren't for the agricultural revolution, I wouldn't have learned this information from other sources. If it weren't for the agricultural revolution I wouldn't be able to send this message to you across cyber space from the comfort of my home. But along the way, when these things came to light, it sure would have been nice if someone bothered to SHARE this information with the masses. I'm even more thankful for the agricultural revolution that THANKFULLY through hundreds of people, paleo gurus and those of us just learning, the information IS getting to the masses!!!
In order to begin healing your gut and reversing disease you must eliminate the following:
ALL Grains including:
- corn
- barley
- fonio
- kamut
- oats
- rice
- rye
- sorghum
- spelt
- teff triticale
- wheat (including durum and semolina)
- wild rice
- millet
ALL Psuedo-Grains including:
- amaranth
- buckwheat
- chia
- quinoa
Each and every one of these will affect gut health, in every single person. Now the extent that you feel the effects is determined by other things in your life. Genetics, stress, lifestyle, environment, infections. But this is the KEY area. If you could improve your health, the health of your family, your children, your grandchildren, wouldn't you do it? You might say, "But I'm not seeing any affects from this, why should I eliminate grains?" Are you really not seeing any affects? Do you take prescription drugs for any health issues? Do you take antacids for heartburn, reflux, etc? Do you experience bowel issues regularly? Do you have a genetic predisposition for cardiovascular disease or autoimmune disease? You can change your health dramatically in this one area!
Aside from the battle in the gut from grains, they aren't even "healthy" for you in general terms. Grains have no more fiber in them than fruits and vegetables, yet they are higher in starches and sugar than fruits! That all translates to sugar in your body, which translates to being overweight, fluctuating blood sugars, mood issues, headaches, and disease. Let's face it, grains gotta go!!!
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