Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My New Project...Ahhhh...Organization!!!

I'm an organization freak.  As I go through my kitchen make-over (soon!) with you, it will become evident.

One area that has been a struggle is the new found recipes we are trying and liking.  I have about 4 or 5 Paleo cookbooks all with little post-it notes sticking out the top of things I want to try.  Then I have about 3 or 4 cookbooks that are digital (via Kindle or PDF downloads).  Those are harder to sticky up!  Then there is Pinterest...I  love Pinterest!!!

When we find a "keeper" I like to not have to go digging around for the recipe again.  Was it in this book, or on-line or on my Kindle???  Today I created new mini-recipe books so I can keep them all organized.  When we have a "keeper" I will either type it into the computer in a pre-formatted page, or I will hand-write it on 4x6 note card.

There are four "brag book" photo albums.  I labeled each one:  Dinners & Sides; Desserts; Snacks; Breakfast.

Now I can just fill them with the appropriate recipes!  They are quick to grab and if I spill on them, I can easily wipe it off!!  Saves my actual books and I don't have to keep going back and forth to digital devices for recipes I use all the time.


  1. GENIUS!
    I've been putting my printed recipes loosely into a binder, but this is much better.

  2. Thanks Jenn! I'm glad you are finding useful ideas! :)
