Monday, April 28, 2014

Autoimmune or Allergic Reaction

Today was my day to react in some way.  I haven't decided yet if this is just a standard autoimmune reaction, an unknown allergic reaction, or a violent reaction to something I accidentally ingested that my body now no longer likes.  Any one of these could be the answer, or a combination of some form.

This morning about 6:30am, I woke up itching.  I usually am awake earlier than that, and I was.  I actually was awake around 4:00am but forced myself back to sleep, which I must have needed.  I was surprised by the itching, checked my arm and sure enough I had hives.  I quickly ran through the typical questions, which I already knew were all "no's".  No new detergents, soaps, lotions, perfumes.  No contact with odd plants or other environmental allergens.  No new foods.  I hadn't even ate yet, so it would have had to been from the previous day(s).  I took some diphenhydramine (Benadryl for you non-pharmaceutical people.) and went down to make the boys breakfast.  Yet the itching continued.

I took the boys to school.  When I got home, I was very sleepy and thought I'd lay down for awhile.  When I woke up an hour later, then itching was still there and had spread significantly.  Took a shower, took more Benadryl, and went to work.  By the time I got to work, my entire face, neck, chest was broke out.  I had patches of hives on both arms, stomach and legs.  This was obviously systemic and I was miserable!!!

Then came the decisions, 100mg of diphenhydramine had not stopped the itching or spreading, so it was time to take further action and I headed to the ER.

Same questions, same answers.  No known cause, but you're a mess!!

A few hours later, steroids and more Benadryl, and I'm headed home, back to bed to sleep some more!

It is unknown whether this is a true allergic reaction or an autoimmune reaction of some other source.  But regardless I know that I'm doing the right thing in the dietary changes I've made to make my body healthier.  I will continue to do so, track any other reactions and see if there is a connection.


  1. To this extent, no. I did a 5 day course of steroids, and twice still had small amounts of hives/itching, but not full blown.
