I'm constantly asked about the time, the dedication, the cost, etc. that is involved in feeding a large family Paleolithic foods. Yes, it takes time. Yes, it takes planning. Yes, it takes money. Yes, we have meltdowns. Yes, we have reactions. Yes, we deal with food allergies. Yes, there are days I just want to drive through McDonald's and call it a night. Ok, no. I hate McDonald's.
I have a very busy life. I work full time, outside the home. I volunteer at my kids' school, during basketball season this is basically a 2nd full time job. Cooking, cleaning and taking care of a large family is a full time job. Spending time with my kids, doing homework, entertaining, guiding, parenting, enjoying life....is a full time job. I would say that this describes most mom's. No one is "not busy". Busyness is relative. We all find things to keep us "busy" even if we only have one or two children, or even none. I say all this to prove that busyness is an excuse. Period. So stop saying you're too busy. If I'm not too busy, then neither are you.
I live on a very limited income. I work full time, but my salary does not reflect my worth. Not even close. For various personal reasons, I remain in my present job. I do receive income outside my employment, but this does not put me in even a middle class income level. Everyone has "money issues". Few of us, maybe none, are independently wealthy. Most of us have debt and bills and everything just keeps going up. Doesn't matter your income level. Money is also an excuse. I share my personal finances, to an extent, to show that it doesn't matter how much money you make. You're going to spend the money somewhere. Grocery store/Farmer's market....fast food....healthcare? Money is relative. You are going to spend it. You choose where you spend it. Medications to resolve your IBS, acid reflux, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes, etc. Seeing doctors for chronic fatigue, depression, ADHD in your kids. Missing work due to illness, migraines, etc. Fast food drive-thru because you're busy, your kids are picky, your too tired, ad nauseam. If I'm not too poor, neither are you.
I'm an organized person, but meal planning has been a thorn in my side for a very, very, very long time. Because of this we ended up in the drive-thru more often than not. My kids ate the same thing for lunch every single day. We ate the same boring meals all the time. I love food, but I must admit, unless we were having company, our meals were boring. I sucked it up. Said again, this is an excuse. And started planning. One of the things I hope to achieve through this blog is to show other busy mom's that they CAN do this, and provide resources, tools, and tips on how to make that happen.
I want to help you in your areas of struggles. Please leave comments and questions and I will try to address them in replies or future blog posts. Trust me....it isn't easy. My kids are picky. (I didn't think they were!). We have meltdowns. I'm way too busy. And many times I'm wondering where the next $50 for fresh fruit/veggies is going to come from. But my family eats paleo meals...every day...despite these things. This is your wake up call! I will venture into meal planning, grocery shopping and where to find quality paleo foods in the coming days.
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